Out Of Bounds Alpha v2!

Added this time: 
+ New challenger approaching! Fulgur Tenebris thunders in! A more competent programmer than me being a part of the newly-formed 'team' allows for more of my time to be placed on art and music.
+ Added first activation mechanism (a button); traps fire according to which button is interacted with. 
+ Animated said buttons such that they have a 'pressed' state (this needs to be updated again, though, as the state doesn't last as long as the dart shooter's inactivity and the state's frame has an unintentional underline). 
+ Added enemy wave system (to Level 3). 
+ Added new buttons to Game Complete screen; linked a Feedback Questionnaire and the Player Test Level. (Please note that, for some currently unexplained reason the questionnaire may need to be refreshed in order to be used).
+ Added a music volume slider to the pause menu that starts at half-full to allow users to not immediately deafen themselves. 
+ Added a stand-in tutorial (until a proper tutorial level is implemented). 

What's to come: 
> Introducing a new trap: the trapdoor! Only killing the target when it is fully open, this will require somewhat precise timing to use effectively. 
> Introducing two new dart shooter variants! Non-damaging Slow Darts (to slow the target, if you hadn't gathered), and the Poison Darts (only doing a small amount of direct damage with more following over time). (Please note that Slow Darts are not fully functional in the Player Test Level: you may need to replay a couple of times to get them to work).
> Introducing a new puzzle element: mirrors! These (at present) thematically-irrelevant objects bounce darts around like there's no tomorrow (somehow not simply being shattered by the impact). (Please note that these do work, but it appears the close proximity to each other in the Player Test Level messes with their functionality: you will only see the first two work fully). 
> New areas have yet to come (quite far down the line, admittedly)! The Player Test Level alludes to this through it's previously unheard level theme. See if you can guess what area is represented by the theme! 
> New, updated sprite art is also in the works with a more detailed idle frame of the protagonist having been completed. This will take time, though, as I am not a professional artist by any sense of the term. 
> New, updated level art (tilemaps) are in early stages of (artistic) development; it's likely that the three pre-exisiting areas will be updated visually before the introduction of at least two more...
> A new puzzle element lurks in the temporal distance... teleporters! More unique level design shall follow the implementation of these likely mid-to-late-game objects and keep you on your toes (figuratively speaking, that is. You don't stand whilst playing PC games, do you? ...I won't judge if you do. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me).


Out Of Bounds Alpha v2.zip 30 MB
Jul 13, 2020

Get Out Of Bounds

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